James from Philadelphia is 15 years old. Until 2018, James grew and developed like all his peers. The boy was strong, active, and very athletic. He went to school every day, surrounded by friends and classmates. Right now, no one can say why it happened, but when James was 9 years old, he suffered a severe stroke. It’s hard to describe how confused and devastated James' family was. No one could ever imagine that something like this could happen to a young boy. The consequences of the stroke were paralysis on the right side of his body, and everything James had achieved by the age of 9 was lost. The boy, along with his parents, had to learn everything all over again – to stand up, walk, talk, eat, drink, and generally take care of himself and be independent. For his parents, it was a huge emotional burden and a challenge at the same time. A tremendous amount of effort and resources were invested to get James out of bed and teach him everything anew. James has attended countless therapies, rehabilitation courses, and specialist consultations to recover and become independent. A lot of work has been done, but rehabilitation is needed regularly, and specialists recommend continuing the progress made. James also recently underwent a complicated leg surgery, and rehabilitation after that is particularly important. James requires two rehabilitation courses a year. One three-week rehabilitation course costs $2,450, totaling $4,900 needed.
James' family is asking for our support. James regularly utilizes all state and local government-funded rehabilitation options, but it is not enough, and additional funds are needed.
Let’s help James become more independent and self-sufficient! Together, we can make a difference!

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