Jacob from Chicago is 7 years old and has childhood autism. The boy can only express two words – "mom" and "dad." Jacob has difficulty concentrating and staying still. Sometimes, a lot of chaos erupts around him, and Jacob becomes angry and even aggressive. The boy struggles to control his emotions because those around him often do not understand his desires and feelings. Although Jacob's daily life is very active and intense, he makes a strong effort to communicate and express his wants and intentions to those around him. Jacob tends to take a peer's hand and point to indicate his wishes. In his daily routine, the boy attends preschool and ABA therapy, and in the afternoons, he diligently works with a speech therapist. Specialists recommend continuing to see the speech therapist to develop his speech.
Specialists recommend that the boy continue attending ABA therapy sessions once a week and speech therapy sessions twice a week, with a total annual cost of $3,740.

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