Isabella from Washington is 42 years old. She is a professional pastry chef with 10 years of experience who has always taken care of her family. Isabella has a husband and two children – aged 8 and 16. For the past 4 years, she has been battling cancer, and it is now at stage 4 with metastases. The illness has seriously impacted her life, and she is currently unable to work. Additionally, her husband cannot continue working because he needs to be by Isabella's side and take care of her and the children.

The medical council has prescribed Isabella expensive medication, but her request for individual drug reimbursement has been denied. Each month, she needs $1,679.44 for her medication, and a year-long treatment course costs $21,832.72. Every day is a tough battle, but Isabella is determined not to give up and to hold onto hope. She dreams of the opportunity to return to work and to see her children grow.

Let's help Isabella together!