Alexander from Seattle is 3 years old. The boy was born a completely healthy and happy baby. Alexander has two older brothers. Until the age of 2, the boy's development was going well—he formed loving relationships with his parents and brothers, and he really enjoyed playing and spending time together. But then everything suddenly changed—Alexander entered his own world, stopped communicating with his family, lost eye contact, and completely lost interest in the surrounding world. Alexander suddenly became distressed by outside noises and pressed his hands over his ears, mostly moving on his tiptoes. The boy expresses his protest by screaming loudly. The boy has been diagnosed with Autism.

Although the boy lives in his own little world, he loves to dance and listen to music. Alexander really wants to go for long walks, but it's difficult to keep him by the hand because he wants to run away. Alexander enjoys every moment by the sea and can sit for hours watching the waves. Alexander urgently needs ABA therapy sessions to learn to communicate and take care of himself. The cost for a year of ABA therapy sessions is $4,200. Alexander's family is asking for our support.

Let's help Alexander! Let's help the boy achieve new goals!